It is quite natural that a beauty salon will maintain the highest form of hygiene, for obvious reasons. However, COVID-19 has changed the scenario altogether. Maintenance of hygiene is not only important these days, it is as important for a salon to have a licence, literally speaking. Now the question is, what are the best practices of hygiene maintenance? In other words, what a modern beauty salon would do to maintain the highest degree of hygiene.
They will ensure a safe workplace
They will ensure an optimum standard of cleanliness in the workplace area. As the workplace of any beauty salon in Liverpool is the centre stage of all the activities, it can be a breeding ground for every type of pathogen. With a little laxity in cleaning, these pathogens can infect the visitors as well as the beauticians, causing widespread sickness. That is the reason, these beauty salons will strictly follow certain hygiene maintenance protocols. As per the protocol, surfaces of various kinds—door handles, tables, chairs, and other contact points are comprehensively cleaned with disinfectant wipes on a regular basis.
Salon floors gather a lot of debris, such as hair and nails, that can be extremely biohazardous. That is why they are cleaned on a regular basis after each session. Maintaining a cleaning routine will help guarantee that slippery floor surfaces are kept safe and clean. They would also wash, dry, and store any dishes and silverware, that were used.
Proper use of towels
When it comes to using towels, a beauty salon in Fairfield would stick to the dictum of single-use per customer. Understandably, this will significantly reduce the risk of any transmission of pathogens between the clients. While it is understandable that thwarting pathogen transmission is pretty challenging, sticking to the following norms and following an effective hygiene system is always helpful:
- Refraining from re-use of unwashed towels
- Washing the salon laundry at a high temperature will kill the germs
- Removal of clean towels from the dryer only after they have completely dried out
- Not leaving the towels on the chairs or on the floor
Taking on the salon couches and chairs
A beauty salon in Sydney would also do all that it takes to sanitise the couches and chairs. In most salons, couches and chairs are made up of vinyl or PVC and hence, they are pretty easy to clean. In case, the salons are visited by any customer with a cut, bruise or a bandage, they would take special precautions.
In many cases, salons would use couch roll to prevent the couches and chairs from falling prey to infection. They would avoid using disinfectants that contain ethanol, as it causes furniture and fittings to crack or turn brittle. When that happens, germs will squeeze through these cracks and start multiplying, turning the salon into a practical breeding ground.
Taking all these into account, the best and the safest beauty salon to visit is Browz and Beauty by Usha from the point of view of hygiene, as we follow all the safety protocols diligently. Call us to book an appointment at the earliest.